BET, the DBT-JRF program was initiated for providing fellowship to pursue research in frontier areas of Biotechnology and is presently coordinated by Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL)
BET, the DBT-JRF program was
initiated for providing fellowship to pursue research in frontier areas of
Biotechnology and is presently coordinated by Biotech Consortium India Limited
Exam conducted once in a year.
The question paper consists of
two parts: General Comments: Question paper will have two parts, Part-A
(General aptitude & General Biotechnology) and Part-B (General plus
specialized branches in Biotechnology). Part-A will have all compulsory 50 MCQ
questions in General science, Mathematics, Chemistry, General aptitude,
analytical, quantitative ability, general biotechnology etc. There will be 150
questions in Part B, out of which only 50 questions need to be answered.
Questions in Part B will also include general biotechnology in addition to the
specialized areas.
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