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  • Life Sciences trogon learning -
    The CSIR JRF Exam, conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) of India, assesses eligibility for assistant professor positions in Indian universities and colleges, and awards Junior Research Fellowships (JRF).
    148 Lessons 20:00:00 Hours
    41300 INR
    0 Ratings
  • SET Botany trogon learning -
    The State Eligibility Test (SET) for Botany is a state-level competitive examination organized by the LBS Centre for Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, under the direction of the Government of Kerala. It is a prerequisite qualification for candidates aspiring to become Higher Secondary School Teachers or Non-Vocational Teachers in VHSE in the subject of Botany.
    42 Lessons 95:54:00 Hours
    7000 INR
    0 Ratings
  • LSA 24D KNR trogon learning -
    The CSIR JRF Exam, conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) of India, assesses eligibility for assistant professor positions in Indian universities and colleges, and awards Junior Research Fellowships (JRF).
    99 Lessons 282:02:51 Hours
    41300 INR
    0 Ratings
  • LSA 24D Online trogon learning -
    The CSIR JRF Exam, conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) of India, assesses eligibility for assistant professor positions in Indian universities and colleges and awards Junior Research Fellowships (JRF). This exam is held twice a year, in June and December, and is delivered in a Computer Based Test (CBT) format for three hours.
    11 Lessons 157:20:30 Hours
    0 INR
    0 Ratings
  • Life Sciences Hindi trogon learning -
    CSIR JRF परीक्षा, जो भारत के राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण एजेंसी (NTA) द्वारा आयोजित की जाती है, भारतीय विश्वविद्यालयों और कॉलेजों में सहायक प्रोफेसर पदों के लिए पात्रता का मूल्यांकन करती है और जूनियर रिसर्च फेलोशिप (JRF) प्रदान करती है। यह प्रतिष्ठित परीक्षा हर साल दो बार, जून और दिसंबर में आयोजित की जाती है, और इसे कंप्यूटर आधारित परीक्षा (CBT) प्रारूप में तीन घंटे के लिए आयोजित किया जाता है। यह परीक्षा द्विभाषी होगी यानी हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में।
    106 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
    0 INR
    0 Ratings
  • CUET Botany trogon learning -
    The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) for Botany Postgraduate Programs is a national-level entrance exam conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). This exam allows students to pursue postgraduate degrees in Botany across various central and participating universities in India.
    23 Lessons 55:28:49 Hours
    0 INR
    0 Ratings